Sunday 29 July 2018

A Letter of Introduction (or, Who I Am and What This Blog is About)

Hello and welcome to my blog! Now, if you're here (and you're not someone I know in real life), you're probably wondering who I am and what... well, just look at the post title. This post will hopefully answer those questions.

First, who am I?

Online I go by Nerissa McCormick. If you know me in real life, you already know my real name, and if you don't... you won't know it 😄 I've been obsessed with books since I was old enough to read, and I fell in love with classic novels and the period dramas based on them from the moment I first watched Pride and Prejudice (1995). Only problem is, I don't know many people who are as obsessed with them as I am, and I tend to get blank stares when I ask if someone's watched (for example) Wives and Daughters.

And that leads us to question two: what is this blog about?

There used to be a number of blogs that reviewed period dramas. But now, sadly, many of them have vanished or become inactive. So, I decided to create my own blog to review the books and period dramas I love. (If you recognise the quote that provides the blog's title, you'll know one of the dramas I hope to review!) And not just books and period dramas, either. I'm quite a fan of fantasy films, especially The Chronicles of Narnia, and of musicals, both film and stage. So you can expect to see a few reviews of those popping up at some point 😃

What do I know about reviewing? ...Nothing, really. I've read other people's reviews of films, and I've written one or two myself in the past, but I'm no expert at it. So you can expect my reviews to be mostly ranting about things I did or didn't like in a series while I try to figure out how this reviewing thing actually works.

At present I hope to post a review every Wednesday. Whether I can keep to that or not remains to be seen :) But hopefully you'll enjoy reading my opinions on works I liked... and possibly even works I didn't like, but mostly ones I liked. And if you've any suggestions for works you'd like me to review, or anything to say about a review, feel free to leave a comment!

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