Wednesday 10 October 2018

Review: Jurassic World (2015)

Apparently I'm plunging back into the world of science fiction/fantasy for a while 🤷

When I was a child I was obsessed with dinosaurs. The girls I went to school with were interested in Star Wars, Disney, fairies, mermaids, and things like that, but I liked dinosaurs. I covered my room with pictures of them. I read every book I could find on them. So obviously, I loved the Jurassic Park films. As I got older I lost interest in dinosaurs, but when I heard there was a new Jurassic Park film being made, I knew I just had to see it.

Why didn't they use the famous skeleton logo for the title? This just isn't the same 😞

I didn't recognise many of the actors, and honestly I didn't pay much attention to the human characters. I was more interested in the dinosaurs.

The basic plot of Jurassic World is more or less the same as every other Jurassic Park film. People create dinosaurs, dinosaurs go on a rampage, there's running and screaming, people die. It has some elements that are original, though, which makes it feel less like a remake of the first film.

Years after the disaster at the original Jurassic Park, a new park is up and running: Jurassic World. But there's a problem: people are getting tired of seeing the same old dinosaurs again and again. (This is the most unbelievable thing in the whole film. Who could ever get tired of seeing dinosaurs?) So the scientists who clone the dinosaurs have come up with a solution. They're going to genetically engineer a whole new dinosaur! And they're going to make it as aggressive as possible!

Can you see how this is going to go horribly wrong? Yes? Then you're smarter than they are.

Unfortunately, this creature is also smarter than they are.

Anyway, they make the Indominus Rex. Actually they make two, but one of them eats the other. Masrani, the owner of Jurassic World, is alarmed when he realises how terrifying the I. Rex is, so he gets his assistant Claire to ask Owen, the park's raptor trainer, to look at it. When Owen and Claire reach the I. Rex's cage, it's missing.

You can already see where this is going.

The I. Rex

The I. Rex escapes and goes on a rampage. There's running and screaming. People die. The average Jurassic Park stuff, really. But then an idiot called Hoskins has the bright idea to use the raptors to track down the I. Rex.

Someone should really have realised earlier that the I. Rex is part raptor.

The raptors and the I. Rex

The raptors turn against Owen and go on a rampage. Things look pretty bad for our heroes... but then Owen manages to regain the raptors' loyalty.

Owen, Claire, Claire's nephews, and the raptors.

The raptors attack the I. Rex, and apparently all of them die. Claire has an idea: she's going to set the T. Rex free. And then she's going to personally lead it to where the I. Rex is trying to kill Owen and her nephews. This scene is just slightly unbelievable. (Claire outruns the T. Rex while wearing high heels? Whoever thought of that has clearly never tried to run in high heels... or walk in them, either.) But it's so awesome that I don't really care.

The fight goes badly for the T. Rex at first. But then Blue, one of the raptors, appears, alive and well. And the I. Rex gets dragged off by the Mosasaur.

The picture isn't the clearest, but this is the Mosasaur attacking the I. Rex.

Blue and the T. Rex wander off, and Owen, Claire and the boys get safely off the island. Yay, happy ending -- for now.

So, what did I think of it?

I don't watch Jurassic Park films for the human characters and their problems. I just want to see the dinosaurs. The more dinosaurs, the happier I am. And judged by that standard alone, this film is one of my favourite Jurassic Park films. It has raptors, a T. Rex, a Mosasaur (alright, so that one's not truly a dinosaur, but still), and the I. Rex. It has some gory scenes. It has dinosaurs attacking people and each other. Even better, it has a fight between raptors, a T. Rex and the I. Rex. That's all I ask for in these films, so I thoroughly enjoyed it.

If you want a film with a gripping plot, this isn't the film for you. If you're like me and just want to see dinosaurs, it definitely is the film for you.

Is it available online?: Probably not.

Rating: 6½/10.

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